Grant holder: Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Project name: Boosting Digital Excellence and Aptitude of Universities in the Countries of East Partnership / BURN
Project time: Erasmus+ CBHE
Project number: 101129379
Project lifetime: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2026
Grant amount: 399 994 EUR
Project website:
Target groups: university teachers and students
Project manager: Oleksanda GOLOVKO
Team members from Narva Collge of the University of Tartu: Anu LEUSKA, Olga BURDAKOVA, Tõnu JÜRJEN, Kristel LÄÄN-SAARIK, Sharipha RZAYEVA, Kaja KARO, Julia ŠEREMETOVA.

The three target Ukrainian universities (Donetsk, Melitopol, Kherson) were severely affected by the war and had to relocate to safer regions with the teaching staff and students scattered all over Ukraine and Europe. The majority of them have become internally displaced persons (IDPs) or refugees, so the adaptation issues have always been acute. Ternopil and Kriviy Rih HEIs stretched their resources and provided support to IDPs, establishing volunteer centers and helping those in need. The impact of the war on people's mental health in Ukraine is significant, and long-term solutions are needed, including investing in mental health services, education and awareness-raising.

This project aims to increase the importance of addressing trauma and self-healing, develop expertise in providing psychological help, and encourage psychological resilience and mindfulness among war victims, literally every UA citizen. BURN project serves as an umbrella for collaboration between 3 EU HEIs from Estonia, Germany and Latvia and 5 UA universities. Ukrainian project participants will have a unique possibility to generate and transfer both European experience and ideas on improving educational and psychological services, offering psychological support, strengthening international cooperation in the process of post-war restoration.

Our project value consists in reaching BURN goals via online experience sharing webinars, study visits to Latvia, Estonia, Germany, developing 2 BA, MA courses and a module for PhD students, online roundtable discussions, autumn/spring and local summer schools for psychologists, training sessions to the university community, international hybrid conference and launching the Center of Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing. The project will reach academic staff, studentship, psychologists of the local communities and the war-traumatized people.

Project partners:

  • Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine (Coordinator)
  • Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Kherson State University, Ukraine
  • State Higher Educational Institution Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Narva College of the University of Tartu, Estonia (subcoordinator)
  • International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, Germany
  • University Of Latvia, Latvia

Co-funded by the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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