Kaja Karo

Governance and structure

Narva College is a college in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu, operating under the Higher Education Act, the University of Tartu Act, the statutes of the university, the statutes of the college and other legislation.

Main task

The college’s main task is to organise degree studies and continuing education in education and social sciences, support regional development and the national integration policy, participate in the research and other activities of the university, and provide services based on these activities.


The college’s mission is to be a driving force for developing a knowledge-based society and ensure its continuity in Ida-Viru County, and to serve society through education and research. To provide students with the best opportunities for personal development and for obtaining high-quality higher education in Narva, contribute to the applicability of knowledge in society and the development of different cultures and bearers of culture in Estonia.


The highest decision-making body of the college is the college council.

The council comprises

  • the director of the college, the director of academic affairs and the administrative manager,
  • a representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences,
  • a representative of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
  • five academic staff representatives of the college,
  • three student representatives,
  • a representative of the board of the college.

The work of the college is led by the director, who is elected for five years by the University of Tartu senate.

Since 1 August 2022, Narva College has been run by Director Indrek Reimand.

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