
When the college moved to its new building, it also became the most modern conference centre in the region. Conference organisers from Estonia and abroad have been making active use of Narva College Conference Centre.

Narva has hosted forums of doctors, geneticists, business people, tourism developers, military servicemen and even ministers and heads of government of Baltic Sea countries.

Narva College has developed its own traditional series of international conferences for researchers of border areas, foreign language teachers, teachers of russophone schools and students.

International ELT Conference

The aim of the conference is to create a platform for discussion and dissemination of research and good practices in English language teaching.

Read more on the conference website.

International Scientific Conference "Uralo-indogermanica"

The aim of the conference is a comparative study of Uralic/Finno-Ugric and Indo-European languages and cultures. Linguists, literary, folklore specialists and musicologists, historians, ethnographers, ethnologists, and archaeologists are expected to attend the conference.

5th International Scientific Conference "Uralo-indogermanica"
14–15 October 2022

Pedagogical Conference

Before the start of the school year, the college holds the largest annual conference of teachers to gather and share knowledge and inspiration for the new school year.

Since 1999, the conference has been held every year at the end of August.

Read more on the conference website (in Estonian)

Other Conferences on 2023

International Science Conference “Empowering Youth Values”

May 25, 2023

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the meaning of a value-based approach in working with young people and the empowerment of young people's values in practice. Read more on the conference website

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