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Nominations can be submitted via the web form until 20 September.
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The mentoring programme will be held again this autumn semester, welcoming students, alumni and university staff to apply until 23 September.
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Starting from 16 August, all staff and students of the university will be able to test the virtual assistant on the University of Tartu IT wiki page, which will provide support in solving IT problems based on existing guides. The trial period will last a couple of months, during which the Information Technology Office will be able to assess the quality of the virtual assistant service.
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The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at virtualtour.ut.ee/en enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
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From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
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in Tartu and Narva on 9-11 September 2024
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The University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner celebrate the Diversity Week from 6 to 12 May, under the title “Diverse Estonian universities”.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
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The strategic plan A2025 period is coming to an end and the university has set up a committee to prepare a new strategic plan.
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Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
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University of Tartu together with Garage48 invites you to DIGI-GREEN HACKATHON on 10-12 May 2024 in Jõhvi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia.
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Development of data-driven technologies in manufacturing in Ida-Viru county
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The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers.
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Over the next six years, researchers from the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology will study how Ida-Viru County transitions to a more sustainable economic model, what the region can evolve into, and how local decision-makers could best guide the transition.
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The Digital Cleanup Week will take place at the University of Tartu for the fourth time from 22 to 26 January.
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Ceremony marking the 104th anniversary of Estonia’s national university in the UT assembly hall on 1 December 2023.
  • #university
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The Fair Transition Fund’s consortium of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu will implement 22 research projects in Ida-Viru County over the next six years to support socioeconomic change in the region and meet the development needs of companies.
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On 16 October, the first cooperation seminar of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu’s consortium of the Just Transition Fund was held at the Virumaa College of the Tallinn University of Technology. The event brought together 22 research teams whose work will help develop technologies and monitor societal transition in the Ida-Viru region over the next six years.
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On 27 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the Johan Skytte medal to Margit Sutrop, member of the Riigikogu and Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Tartu. The highest award granted to university members, the University of Tartu Grand Medal, is given to two university researchers for services of particular value. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.
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As part of the Ida-Viru County Entrepreneurship Week, on 6 October, Narva College hosted an idea competition for young people to come up with ideas for implementing the green transition. The best idea was that of the students of Narva Upper Secondary School: using textile waste from the sewing industry to make toys for pets.
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