Narva is the best place for studying Russian

Since late June, a group of nineteen American students participated intensive Russian language course at Narva College of the University of Tartu. After eight weeks, the course is ending on August 14. All the participating students agree that Narva is the best place for intensive Russian studies. Lecturers in Narva College as well as in the students’ home university consider their progress of Russian language acquisition remarkable.

In the past academic year, Narva College hosted altogether 50 American students in different Russian language courses. Narva can bear the title of the most Russian-speaking city in the European Union, with 96% of its inhabitants speaking Russian as their mother tongue. The Russian-speaking environment supports the intensive 25 classroom lessons per week summer course with the opportunity to practice your language skills in everyday situations. In addition to language classes, the summer course involves cultural programme with thematic seminars and study trips. Although the focus of the summer course is on Russian language and culture, these additional seminars and study trips also enable the students an insight to Estonian natural and cultural heritage.

Narva College has provided intensive Russian language courses since 2014. Next summer, the College is expecting more 60 students for the courses. Some of the students with advanced language level will do additional volunteer work in different organisations in Narva and the surrounding region. Some of the students will be accommodated in the host families. Host family accommodation was first introduced this year and according to the Development Manager of Narva College, Kristjan Klauks, the relationship between the host families and the students has been very good and the local host families were happy with the opportunity to also practice their English during the hosting period.

Mr Klauks adds that to prepare high level language courses for next year groups in terms of content as well as organisation, is of utmost importance to Narva College. In the focus of other next year’s developments of the College are also an e-learning Russian course and a short Russian language course for the lower intermediate level. In developing the Russian language courses, Narva College sees the participants not only as foreign students but also all Estonians who are interested in learning and developing their Russian.

Additional information:
Kristjan Klauks
Development Manager of Narva College;
+372 7401905

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