Call for Papers: International Research Workshop - Multilingual Education at European Borderlands

Call for Papers

International Research Workshop
Multilingual Education at European Borderlands

15 March, 2018
Tartu University Narva college, Narva, Estonia

University of Tartu Narva College organizes international research workshop to discuss the challenges of polyculturalism and multilingualism to European education systems. The workshop invites a broad range of high level research papers devoted to questions of multilingualism and plurilingualism, multilingual teaching including methods and practices in second or partner language teaching, multilingual education institutions and minority language issues.

Workshop keynote speaker is Prof Brigitta Busch
University of Vienna.

Her CV.

As an interdisciplinary event, it welcomes contributions from educational science, linguistics, philology, political science, history, sociology of language, cultural studies, literature and related fields.

We particularly welcome papers reflecting on the question of multilingualism at European borderlands, including on

  • Minority communities at European borders and questions of education
  • Models of multilingual pre-schools, schools and universities
  • Second language teaching and acquisition
  • Minority language teaching methods
  • Intercultural teaching at European borderlands.

Proposal submissions

Workshop paper proposals should be submitted in English. All required information must be included in a single Word or PDF document and attached to a single email message. Requirements:

  • Contact information: name, e-mail address, and academic affiliation of the applicant.
  • Paper abstract (up to 500 words) with the title of the paper and no more than five keywords.
  • A 100-word, one paragraph biographical statement in narrative form. Standard CVs will not be accepted.
  • Individual proposals featuring more than one author (joint proposals) must include contact information and biographical statements for all authors.

Please send your proposals to by 22 January 2018
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 1 February 2018.

The event details

Date: 15 March 2017. One-day workshop will open at 9:30 and will finish at 18:00.
Venue: University of Tartu Narva College, Raekoja plats 2, Narva 20307, Estonia
Options for accommodation: few free of charge places are available at the dormitory that will be reserved for PhD students and young researchers. Please indicate in your application whether you would like to receive a place in the dormitory.

On behalf of the organizing committee:

Ülle Säälik, lecturer of Psychology and Pedagogy, PhD (educational sciences),
Mart Rannut, lecturer of Estonian Language, PhD (philosophy),
Kristina Kallas, director of Narva College, PhD (political science),

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